Drexel University
Greek House Porch Renovations
Project Type

Located in the Powelton Historic District of Drexel University's main campus,

these gorgeous Victorian-style houses are home to Greek fraternities and sororities. KMA was asked to upgrade the aesthetics of eight porches on North 34th Street, four of which have been completed. The wood flooring was removed and replaced with artificial wood decking that was approved by the Philadelphia Historic Commission. All railings and skirt boards were also replaced, reusing material where possible.  Brick piers were either repointed or added to maintain a consistent appearance.

2019 09 15 keldre01 a
After - Units 200,202,204,206 looking North on 34th Street / Photo/Image credits: Halkin | Mason Photography 2019
2019 09 15 keldre02 a
After - Units 200,202,204,206 looking South on 34th Street / Photo/Image credits: Halkin | Mason Photography 2019
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